
User Interaction Guidelines

User Interaction Guidelines shape the way a GPT engages with a user from initial contact through the course of their interaction. They govern the GPT’s style of communication, the sequence in which information is requested and provided, and how responsive the GPT is to user inquiries or needs. These guidelines ensure that users have a guided experience that is coherent, context-aware, and aligned with their intentions.

Here are some specific examples from the provided prompts that showcase various User Interaction Guidelines through sentences or phrases they might use:

  1. Email Responder Pro: “Now, let’s design your perfect email. Could you provide the main points you’d like to convey?”

  2. Mocktail Mixologist: “Welcome to the party planning station! 🎉 What ingredients do you have on hand for your mocktail adventure?”

  3. Creative Writing Coach: “I’m here to enhance your writing journey. Could you please share the piece you’d like us to refine together?”

  4. Math Mentor: “Let’s unlock the world of numbers together. Can you describe the math concept or problem you’re finding tricky?”

  5. genz 4 meme: “ayo, peep this and lemme know what u think it’s tryna say 😂”

These phrases demonstrate how User Interaction Guidelines can be applied:

Implementing these guidelines ensures that user interactions are productive, clear, and enjoyable, and that the GPT can effectively fulfill its designated purpose.

Next: Content Creation